- Guerra de los mil días (1899-1903)
- Revolución mexicana (1910-1917)
- Guerras de los Balcanes (1912-1913)
- Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918)
- Revolución rusa (1917-1921)
- Genocidio armenio en Armenia (1915-1923)
- Revolución de Noviembre en Alemania (1918-1919)
- Guerra civil china (1927-1950)
- Guerra del Chaco (1932-1935)
- Guerra civil española (1936-1939)
- Guerra peruano-ecuatoriana (1941-1942)
- Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945)
- Holocausto (1941-1945)
- Guerra Fría (1946-1991)
- Guerra de Indochina (1946-1954)
- Primera guerra árabe-israelí (1948)
I guerra mundial 
- La Primera Guerra Mundial o Gran Guerra fue un conflicto armado que tuvo lugar entre 1914 y 1918, y que produjo más de 10 millones de bajas. Más de 60 millones de soldados europeos fueron movilizados desde 1914 hasta 1918. Originado en Europa por la rivalidad entre las potencias imperialistas, se transformó en el primero en cubrir más de la mitad del planeta. Fue en su momento el conflicto más sangriento de la historia. Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, esta guerra solía MundialLa guerra comenzó collamarse la Gran Guerra o la Guerra de Guerras. Fue la segunda guerra más dañina de la historia tras la Segunda Guerramo un enfrentamiento entre el Imperio austrohúngaro y Serbia. Rusia se unió al conflicto, pues se consideraba protectora de los países eslavos y deseaba socavar la posición de Austria-Hungría en los Balcanes. Tras la declaración de guerra austrohúngara a Rusia el 1 de agosto de 1914, el conflicto se transformó en un enfrentamiento militar a escala europea. Alemania respondió a Rusia con la guerra, obligada por un pacto secreto contraído con la monarquía de los Habsburgo, y Francia se movilizó para apoyar a su aliada. Las hostilidades involucraron a 32 países, 28 de ellos denominados «Aliados»: Francia, el Reino Unido, Rusia, Serbia, Bélgica, Canadá, Portugal, Japón, Estados Unidos (desde 1917), así como Italia, que había abandonado la Triple Alianza. Este grupo se enfrentó a la coalición de las «Potencias Centrales», integrada por los imperios Austrohúngaro, Alemán y Otomano, acompañados por Bulgaria.
Colombia foot tipycal:
Buñuelos: Are popular ball shaped fritters and eaten as a snack in many South American countries. The Colombian version is made with dough of curd of white cheese that get fried until golden brown. It is a typical Christmas dish in Colombia.
Changua: Breakfast in the Andean Mountains normally consists of this creamy soup made with milk, water, eggs, and scallions. The eggs are dropped into the mixture without breaking the yolks. It is served with cilantro and a piece of (stale) bread that soaks in the mixture.
Charapa: If you see Charapa on the menu in the region of Amazonia – DON'T order it! It is a fresh water tortoise and an endangered species!
Chunchullo: Stuffed and fried poultry or cow intestines.
Cuchuco de Trigo: Is a wheat soup from the Boyaca area which is thickened with potatoes, peas and ribs.
Empanadas: It is a stuffed pastry that can either be sweet or savory. The savory Colombian empanadas are filled with beef, chicken and/or cheese as well as with rice and coriander. Compared to the Chilean or Argentinean empanadas they are not baked but fried.
Frijoles con Garra: Is a dish from the region of Antioquia and contains red beans thickened with pigs' trotter.
Fritanga: It is a plate full of grilled meat like beef, chicken, ribs and sausages and fried cow intestines (chunchullo) which get served with little potatoes and arepas or with manioc and fried bananas.
Fruit: The diverse offer of fresh fruit in Colombia is immense and many of the different types have probably not been tried or seen by most of the people outside the tropics. You can find just in the supermarket 5 different types of mangos or 6 types of bananas. Just some of the tropical fruit you can try are: lulo, curuba, mamoncillo, uchuva, chontaduro, borojó, zapote, anon, carambolo, corozo… Enjoy!
Lechona: Is a typical dish from the Tolima area and consist of a whole roasted pig, stuffed with rice, yellow peas, green onions and spices which is cooked for ten hours in a clay oven. It is served with arepa. This dish is often served at parties and other large gatherings.
Morcilla Rellena: Blood sausage or blood pudding, this is a common Colombian dish that is normally served with barbecues or deep fried.
Mote de Queso con Hogoa: This is a dish from the Caribbean Coast with the base of chopped yam (which looks like a sweet potato) and cheese.
Colombian tipycal dress
amazingly beautiful native dress and culturally purposeful dancing. With the femininity to the nth degree of the dresses and the men sometimes wearing machetes and other trappings of manhood, traditional Latin American costume highlights the differences between men and women and the dancing, in which men seek out the women and the women tease before eventually joining their choice, serves as a metaphor for the courtship process (In sexually egalitarian America, distinctions are erased except for the dry hump-like "freak" in which it would make no sense for men to be in front, although I've seen women, to no end except their own, participate in such dancing with each other). geografia
The geography of Colombia is characterized by containing five main natural regions that present their own unique characteristics, from the Andes mountain range region shared with Ecuador and Venezuela; the Pacific Ocean coastal region shared with Panama and Ecuador; the Caribbean Sea coastal region shared with Venezuela and Panama; the Llanos (plains) shared with Venezuela; to the Amazon Rainforest region shared with Venezuela, Brazil, Peru and Ecuador. Colombia is one of only two South American countries which border both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Colombia is located in the northwestern region of South America bordering to the east with Venezuela and Brazil; to the south with Ecuador and Peru; to the North with the Atlantic Ocean, through the Caribbean Sea; and to the west with Panama and the Pacific Ocean. Colombia is the 26th largest nation in the world and the fourth-largest country in South America after Brazil, Argentina, and Peru. Despite its large territory, Colombia's population is not evenly distributed with most Colombians living in the mountainous western portion of the country as well as the northern coastline, most living in or near the capital city of Bogotá. The southern and eastern portions of the country are mostly sparsely inhabited tropical rainforest and inland tropical plains containing small farming communities and indigenous tribes.
Flora and fauna Altitude affects not only temperature, but also vegetation. In fact, altitude is one of the most important influences on vegetation patterns in Colombia. The mountainous parts of the country can be divided into several vegetation zones according to altitude, although the altitude limits of each zone may vary somewhat depending on the latitude. The "tierra caliente" (hot land), below 3,300 ft (1,006 m), is the zone of tropical crops such as bananas. The tierra templada (temperate land), extending from an altitude of 3,300 to 6,600 ft (1,006 to 2,012 m), is the zone of coffee and maize. Wheat and potatoes dominate in the "tierra fría" (cold land), at altitudes from 6,600 to 10,500 ft (2,012 to 3,200 m). In the "zona forestada" (forested zone), which is located between 10,500 and 12,800 ft (3,200 and 3,901 m), many of the trees have been cut for firewood. Treeless pastures dominate the páramos, or alpine grasslands, at altitudes of 12,800 to 15,100 ft (3,901 to 4,602 m). Above 15,100 ft (4,602 m), where temperatures are below freezing, is the "tierra helada", a zone of permanent snow and ice. Vegetation also responds to rainfall patterns. A scrub woodland of scattered trees and bushes dominates the semiarid northeast. To the south, savannah (tropical grassland) vegetation covers the Colombian portion of the llanos. The rainy areas in the southeast are blanketed by tropical rainforest. In the mountains, the spotty patterns of precipitation in alpine areas complicate vegetation patterns. The rainy side of a mountain may be lush and green, while the other side, in the rain shadow, may be parched.
Colombian myths
the sombreron
It's an east-central Colombian folk tale in which a hellish man, The Sombreron, wears a big sombrero that covers his head to his calves. He also may appear with a black gown, and aura of mystery surrounds him.
Peasants say that the Sombreron meets drunks at nights and tells them: "If I get you, I'll put it on you", words that horrify walkers.
In Antioquia (north-central Colombia), people have seen him as a rider with a sombrero and square black poncho in dark nights. He has heavy chains and two big dogs accompany him.
Strong winds and storms follow him through his pass.
| II guerra mundial La Segunda Guerra Mundial fue el conflicto armado más grande y sangriento de la historia mundial, en el que se enfrentaron las Potencias Aliadas y las Potencias del Eje, entre 1939 y 1945. Fuerzas armadas de más de setenta países participaron en combates aéreos, navales y terrestres. Por efecto de la guerra murió alrededor del 2% de la población mundial de la época (unos 60 millones de personas), en su mayor parte civiles. Como conflicto mundial comenzó el 1 de septiembre de 1939 (si bien algunos historiadores argumentan que en su frente asiático se declaró el 7 de julio de 1937) para acabar oficialmente el 2 de septiembre de 1945. | |
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